
Navigate From Where You are to Where You Want to Be.

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Two women standing next to each other on a stage.

Programs that Resonate and Transform

Are you dreaming of events, workshops, or meetings that become legendary? Do you want your participants bursting with inspiration and armed with practical takeaways?

We’ve got you covered—that’s precisely what we do!

We’ve declared war on the mundane! Our personalized programs are teeming with hands-on activities, live demonstrations, and powerhouse exercises. Imagine your attendees leaving more connected and empowered than when they arrived. Now, imagine months, even years later, and they're still buzzing about your event and the multiple “ah-ha” moments they experienced! (Yup. It’s true! We hear it all the time from our event planners and repeat attendees. It’s why we’re invited back so often!)

That’s our positive impact and your extraordinary legacy.

What Makes Us Different?

We're not just about change; we’re about actionable transformation—the kind that makes you sit up and say, “Wow, we can totally do this!” 

Our programs are crafted from a powerful combination of science-backed research and time-honored success principles that the greats swear by. We blend the biology of the brain and the science of success to create engaging, customized programs that serve to inspire individuals, teams, and organizations. We honor their past, celebrate the present, and navigate their future.

We embrace an “Edu-Train-Ment” style of adult learning. Our programs are specifically designed to ensure:

(1) Participants will learn something they did not know before starting the program. (Education)

(2) They can apply what they’ve learned at home, at work, at Starbucks, or anywhere in their community. (Training)

(3) They have fun learning and interacting with other attendees because who doesn’t like to laugh and have a little fun along the way? (Entertainment)

Edu – Train- Ment!

With our expertise and your vision, there’s no limit to what we can achieve. 


Energize Your Next

With a combination of Formats

(All formats can be delivered in person, virtually, or hybrid)

A red and purple background with an image of the sun.

Experiential Keynotes

(1 to 3 hours)
Transform your events with our world-class experiential keynotes. Designed to immerse, engage, and energize your audience, our keynotes are perfect for event planners and corporate leaders who are looking to make a positive impact. Our keynotes actively engage attendees through powerful exercises, captivating demonstrations, and energizing audience activities.

Whether in-person, virtual, or a hybrid mix, our keynotes flexibly adapt to the format that suits your audience size - whether it’s 10, 10,000, or more.

We take your vision, goals, and desired outcomes and design a customized experience that meets your specific needs, outcomes, and objectives. Your audience leaves energized and ready to tackle any challenges head-on.

"She just got off stage and we are already exploring ways to bring June back next year."

A red and purple background with an image of the sun.

Motivational Moments

(Short 3 to 8 mins inspired activities; occurring 3 to 4 per event day)
Motivational Moments are cutting-edge snippets designed especially for event planners who dare to defy the mundane and transform every agenda into a memorable experience. Diverse themes and empowering activities are tailored to your event goals and serve to energize, inspire, and spur positive interactions among all participants.

Motivational Moments seamlessly integrate into your event's agenda, ensuring timeliness and engagement go hand in hand. These carefully curated, powerful activities are crafted to resonate with every attendee, leaving a lasting impact and memorable success principle and leadership lessons that extend well beyond the final applause.

June's Motivational Moments
MADE our conference!"

A red and purple background with an image of the sun.

Interactive Workshops

(From four hours to multiday programs. )
As incubators for growth and insight, our interactive workshops ignite the potential within each individual. Our workshops are crafted to address your specific event themes and desired outcomes, ensuring relevance and immediate impact. The concepts come to life with a perfect blend of insightful presentations, written exercises, and dynamic group activities.

This longer format affords the crucial time needed to develop personalized action plans that guide individual, team, and organizational progress.

Attendees don't just leave with ideas; they walk away with a clear path to "We can achieve this!” Transform your next event into a turning point for your team or organization with our interactive workshops.

June's workshop delivered exactly what I needed, at the exact time I needed it."

A blue and white triangle with the same color on each side.
Two women giving each other a high five.

The Results are Real
(and We Can Prove It!)

  • I went to an incredibly transformational seminar on Saturday! It was so worthwhile that I felt I had to post about it on FB and ask ALL of my friends to go with me next year! Just found this as I was looking through the pictures from the day - it is Rear Admiral June Ryan high-fiving me as I walked in. She was an unbelievably GREAT speaker and trained under Jack Canfield (of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series). All I can say is WOW! What a day! Hope you can join me next time!
  • Loved June Ryan! She was interactive and exciting; the topics will help me in my life and career.
  • June Ryan session: My favorite.
  • She changed my life! I implemented what I learned from June. In just a few short years, I have transitioned from an hourly part-time worker to a full-time salary employee. I received three promotions and just landed my dream job. And it gets better—I passed June’s principles onto my son. He boldly decided to apply for an internship at a top law firm that everyone told him was out of reach, including me. He applied anyway. BOOM! He landed it! Never doubt these principles. As June says, ‘This S.H.I.P. works (Success Has Its Principles).’
  • You were fantastic! I knew you would be just what we all needed, and I was right! I cannot thank you enough for your work on the presentation the time you gave to us, and your lively way of keeping everybody engaged (over the MS Teams virtual format). It really was awesome. I know that they walked away very inspired. Please keep doing what you’re doing.
  • Oh my gosh, did you see everyone on the breaks and at the cocktail party using your techniques? What an impactful demonstration of the true impact of our thoughts!
A picture of the coast guard boat in the water.