Engaging, Interactive, Informative, and Actionable

Helping Audiences navigate from where they are to where they want to be

We believe Success Has Its Principles (S.H.I.P.). Our S.H.I.P framework is rooted in positive psychology, organizational psychology, neuroscience, and the biology of success. Keynote, workshop, and our signature motivational moment are custom-crafted for each audience and deliver on three promises:

  • You will learn something they did not know,
  • You will be able to apply what you’ve learned
  • And the session is fun and interactive.

Our Most Popular Topics

The Key to Lead


Everyone one of us will be called upon to lead - supervisors lead staff, experienced employees guide new hires, staff direct clients, teachers motivate students, and parents inspire children. Leadership is not confined to those with a title; it's a responsibility that emerges in everyday interactions and challenges. "The Key to Lead" is a dynamic and energizing keynote presentation crafted for those who aspire to lead with distinction - whether they are current leaders, individuals seeking new roles, teams aiming to enhance their performance, or parents striving to connect more deeply with their children. This keynote experience goes beyond a typical presentation; it's a transformational encounter designed to challenge assumptions and ignite a powerful drive for personal and professional excellence across all aspects of life.

Target Audience

The Key to Lead is tailored for leaders, teams, and individuals eager to challenge their assumptions, spark their curiosity, and harness the principle of ownership. It inspires creative, solution-oriented approaches to problem-solving. The forward-thinkers, change-makers, and visionaries who most benefited from this program include:

CEO/Senior VPs
Senior Director Level Executives
Mid-Level Managers
Front line workers
Community Leaders

Learning Objectives

  • Take Responsibility
  • Learn how to “take 100% responsibility” for your life and results. (Hint: its not about taking on more
  • responsibility. In fact, it usually results in taking on less!)
  • Talk More, Listen Less
  • Learn the incredible, untapped power of “talking more, and listening less.”
  • Learn about how your own GPS is always on and always working
  • Learn the amazing power of your brain’s RAS and GPS and how to tap into it to achieve more.
  • Lifestyle of Gratitude
  • Learn about the profound physiological, physical, and work productivity benefits of creating and cultivate environments that celebrates “everyday” gratitude.
  • Learn the Key to Lead
  • Learn how you can go farthe

*NOTE: Learning objectives will vary based on customization of each program.

Audience Experience

  • Our meticulously crafted presentations are designed to be more than just informative sessions; they are voyages of discovery that engage and entertain. Attendees can expect an experiential presentation where laughter and learning go hand in hand. Each leadership principle is unveiled as a hidden gem, sparking those invaluable "ah-ha" moments, and peppering the room with laughter. This unique blend of education, training, and entertainment—our signature "Edu-Train-Ment" approach—ensures that the knowledge shared is not only understood but remembered and cherished.
  • The transformation extends beyond the event, as participants often recall and apply these insights in their own lives, a fact we’ve witnessed firsthand from being approached by attendees' years after a presentation concluded. They share how specific lessons made a tangible impact on their lives and the lives of their coworkers, and even family members. This level of engagement and personal growth is what we aim for; attendees don't just sit through a presentation, they immerse themselves in an experience that resonates on a profound level, empowering them to inspire and lead others.
  • Our Edu-Train-Ment approach is not just about imparting knowledge; it's about igniting a spark of transformation within each individual, team or organization. Its about creating a ripple effect that extends beyond the event and into their personal and professional lives. We believe that great leaders are not born, they are cultivated through continuous growth and development. That is why our presentations are carefully engineered and meticulously designed to deliver both.

Benefits to Event Planners and Organizers

Our most request experiential keynote.
As your OPENER:
Include the "The Key to Lead" keynote in your event to unlock an unforgettable experience for all attendees! This unique presentation is an engaging, high-energy experience. Imagine kickstarting your conference with The Key to Lead, infused with fun and excitement that catapults participants out of their chairs, sparking immediate connections and interactions within the first few minutes.

  • By incorporating The Key to Lead as your opening act, you guarantee an electrifying atmosphere where every attendee is energized, connected, and ready to dive into the conference with gusto. No one remains a stranger as the dynamic nature of this keynote forges new connections, setting the perfect stage for an active, participatory event. The ripple effect? Each agenda item that follows rides on this wave of enthusiasm, maximizing the impact of every session.

As your CLOSER:
Alternatively, as the final flourish of your conference, The Key to Lead ensures that participants leave on an emotional high. The memorable moments and actionable insights from this closing keynote resonate deeply, leaving a lasting impression on the audience. They depart not just with knowledge, but with inspiration, already anticipating your next event with excitement and a sense of community.

Leveraging the power of The Key to Lead as either your introductory or concluding session reinforces the message that your event is not a passive experience; it's a dynamic, interactive adventure that will be talked about long after the curtains close.



“Leaders Hold the Light, How Leaders Create and cultivate a ‘Best In Class’ mission mindset" is a stirring keynote, designed to reel in leaders and visionaries seeking to amplify their company's employee engagement by upleveling every customer interaction. Learn what top-tier companies and organizations do differently and how their employees excel, even in the face of uncertainty. Would your employees go “off-script,” would they run counter to a well-defined written policy and procedures? Would you fire them if they did? Do they feel empowered to “bend the rules” if it means winning over a customer, or even saving a life?

You heart will pound, and you may feel a little sea-sick, as you encounter real-world life saving mission of the United States Coast Guard, where off-script was the order of the day. See how similar “we-can-do-better-than-that” mindsets in the business world, resulted in legendary customer service. Set a course for this voyage—and learn how to shift your teams from a scarcity “threat mindset,” to an empowering “challenge mindset.”

Discover practical strategies that cultivate environments where 'watchwords' anchor decisions. Learn how to create watchwords that serve to inform strategies and guide employees through the fog of daily uncertainty. Chart a course that uplifts your organizations—where every customer interaction creates an opportunity to demonstrate, 'Best in Class' service excellence. Leaders hold the light to achieving best in class service through the effective creating and implementation of watchwords.

Target Audience

This program is tailored for leaders, and individuals who desire to achieve “Best in Class” status in either their business, or personal lives. The program offers valuable insight for every individual regardless of their position or organizational title. The program is gears specifically for leaders who may have a company slogans, motto and standards of quality, but have not developed “watchwords” that guide and drive employee interaction with each other, and with your customers. Participants who find this particularly impactful include:

CEO/Senior VPs
Senior Director Level Executives
Mid-Level Manages with teams
Front line workers
Community Leaders

Learning Objectives

Hold the Light
Learn what it mean to "holding the light" as leaders, as team members, or an individuals

Watch Words
Discover the importance and the positive impact watch words can have
Learn how watch words set the gold standard.

Create Watchwords Begin to develop your “no-matt-what” mission mindset
Create your own watch words for your organization, your team, your family or yourself.

*NOTE: Learning objectives will vary based on customization of each program.

Audience Experience

Our meticulously crafted presentations are designed to be more than just informative sessions; they are voyages of discovery that engage and entertain. Attendees can expect an experiential presentation where laughter and learning go hand in hand. Each leadership principle is unveiled as a hidden gem, sparking those invaluable "ah-ha" moments, and peppering the room with laughter. This unique blend of education, training, and entertainment—our signature "Edu-Train-Ment" approach—ensures that the knowledge shared is not only understood but remembered and cherished.

The transformation extends beyond the event, as participants often recall and apply these insights in their own lives, a fact we’ve witnessed firsthand from being approached by attendees' years after a presentation concluded. They share how specific lessons made a tangible impact on their lives and the lives of their coworkers, and even family members. This level of engagement and personal growth is what we aim for; attendees don't just sit through a presentation, they immerse themselves in an experience that resonates on a profound level, empowering them to inspire and lead others.

Our Edu-Train-Ment approach is not just about imparting knowledge; it's about igniting a spark of transformation within each individual, team or organization. Its about creating a ripple effect that extends beyond the event and into their personal and professional lives. We believe that great leaders are not born, they are cultivated through continuous growth and development. That is why our presentations are carefully engineered and meticulously designed to deliver both.

Benefits to Event Planners and Organizers

One of our most successful programs that creates organic interaction long after the event.

Participants are actively creating and sharing 'Watchwords.' This involvement naturally encourages interaction among attendees, fostering a network-rich environment.

Event planners have capitalized on the buzz created during this presentation by facilitating post-event discussions and content sharing. Active participation during the event ensures that the dialogue can organically continue in the workplace, on social media, and in the personal spheres of the participants' lives.

The workshop format offered by "Leaders Hold the Light" allows attendees to develop team watchwords, which are further refined into potential organizational watchwords. If you have corporations or professional groups, this offers a tangible outcome that can be integrated into workplace culture or organization-wide initiatives, showcasing the real-world applicability of the event content.

The versatility of the "Leaders Hold the Light" event means that it is suitable for a range of formats, from short presentations to extended workshops. This flexibility allows you to tailor the length and depth of the session to cater to their specific audience, ensuring that the event meets the unique needs of different groups.



Gallup reports that only 21% of employees are engaged at work and only 33% of employees are thriving in their overall wellbeing. Most employees would say that they don't find their work meaningful, they don't think their lives are going well or they don't feel hopeful about their future. Global workers report mantras such as: "Living for the weekend," "watching the clock tick," "work is just a paycheck." We can assume that these attitudes also spill over impacting our communities, and our home-life. So, what are the 21% of companies doing right that the other 79% of companies are not doing? If we are a leader or business owner, how can we create an environment that is an affirming, validating, empowering place to be? How can we be self-affirming, self-validating, and self-empowering when we find ourselves in an environment that is not supporting those things? Learn how can we create an E.P.I.C. workplace cluture.

Target Audience

This program is tailored for leaders, and individuals who desire to elevate to the 21% of companies that have positive employee engagement. This is for visionaries who are looking to create empowering places to work. Its also a session for individual who want to learn how to create a self empowerment when they find themselves surrounded by less than supportive group of individuals.

CEO/Senior VPs
Senior Director Level Executives
Mid-Level Manages with teams
Front line workers
Community Leaders

Learning Objectives

Employee Recognition
You will learn why 80% of leaders report recognizing their employees, while only 20% of employees report being recognized by their leadership. How can there be a 60% disparity?

Foster a more engaging environment.
Learn techniques you can use to create a workplace that is an affirming, validating, empowering.

Not in a supportive environment?
Learn how you can be self-affirming, self-validating, and self-empowering when you find yourself in an environment that is not those things.

Is your workplace E.P.I.C?
Discover what E.P.I.C. leaders do differently
Uncover techniques and strategies that can transform your workplace into an E.P.I.C work environment.
Create a blueprint for your work or home.

Audience Experience

Our meticulously crafted presentations are designed to be more than just informative sessions; they are voyages of discovery that engage and entertain. Attendees can expect an experiential presentation where laughter and learning go hand in hand. Each leadership principle is unveiled as a hidden gem, sparking those invaluable "ah-ha" moments, and peppering the room with laughter. This unique blend of education, training, and entertainment—our signature "Edu-Train-Ment" approach—ensures that the knowledge shared is not only understood but remembered and cherished.

The transformation extends beyond the event, as participants often recall and apply these insights in their own lives, a fact we’ve witnessed firsthand from being approached by attendees' years after a presentation concluded. They share how specific lessons made a tangible impact on their lives and the lives of their coworkers, and even family members. This level of engagement and personal growth is what we aim for; attendees don't just sit through a presentation, they immerse themselves in an experience that resonates on a profound level, empowering them to inspire and lead others.

Our Edu-Train-Ment approach is not just about imparting knowledge; it's about igniting a spark of transformation within each individual, team or organization. Its about creating a ripple effect that extends beyond the event and into their personal and professional lives. We believe that great leaders are not born, they are cultivated through continuous growth and development. That is why our presentations are carefully engineered and meticulously designed to deliver both.

Benefits to Event Planners and Organizers

This is a program for or event planners who aspire to create not just events, but experiences that resonate and leave a lasting impact on corporate leaders and team members.

Access crucial insights from the latest Gallup Global Workplace report, you can position your event as the epicenters for reversing these trends, building positive cultures, and nurturing workforce potential.

By educating leaders and team members on the techniques that create affirming and empowering workplaces, you can ensure your event serves as the launchpad for long-term positive organizational change for your clients.

The "Brasswork" presentation empowers attendees to set visionary performance standards. Your event benefits by offering a template to guide employee behavior in uncertainty, making your event the blueprint for creating meaningful change in the corporate world.

By integrating these benefits, the "Brasswork" workshop, not only enhance the value of your event contributes to building work environments that are fulfilling, motivating, and aligned with the well-being of all team members.

Additional Presentations

A man jumping in the air over water.

Master Asker

A girl sitting at the table with an apple and orange.

Decide What You Want

A picture of an image with the words " how to make a fix & repair course ".

Take a Fix & Chart a Course